Since we have many family photos on our wall, a couple months back Jason started teaching Sara that we were a "family". So she names everyone: "Mommy, Daddy, Jordyn, Sara.... fwwwaaamilies". Or when one of us is missing she'll say, "oh no! Fwamilies is missing!"
I thought I'd write a little update about what our little family is up to. Like a Christmas car letter in May.
We'll start with Mommy.
One big thing I decided to start doing was selling "LuLaRoe". It'll be nice to get some extra income coming into our family, and I'm excited about it. It's modest, cute clothing that will make people happy, and it's always nice to spread happiness to other ladies. I just placed my initial order today! So for anyone who reads this and is interested, you can follow me on Instagram @LuLaRoe_MelissaLawyer or go to my Facebook group Still trucking along being a Stay at Home Momma. After all the turmoil of deciding if I wanted to go back to work or not,
I'm so happy that I get to be home with my girls right now. It's a
wonderful, but challenging, life!
The other day someone made an assumption that I have "all day to do things"... I was so dumbfounded I didn't know how to reply. If only I had all day to "do things". This person obviously did not have children. Preparing three meals a day, cleaning up those meals and the girls... actually making the meal plan (THE WORST) and shopping for the food, planning my "TotSchool" activities for Sara and keeping the girls engaged in doing different things all day, doing laundry and other chores, fitting in workouts and devotionals for ME, maybe they nap... maybe they decide to kick the wall instead for an hour... going to gymnastics, dance, the library, parks, children's museums, and other field trips in hopes that it will wear them out, and getting my snuggles in! Yeah... I have so much free time... But as I said, I love this busy life I signed up for!
Daddy is just a busy working man. I'm so proud of how he takes his job seriously, takes pride in his work. And he has so much fun playing with the girls when he gets home. Lucky Jason got to go to Hawaii for two weeks for vacation...I mean work. haha He says he didn't enjoy himself, but I think he was trying to make me feel better. As always, he has been working and studying hard to better himself in his career. He tested for Tech Sargent a couple months ago and we should get word on that in the upcoming months! He's such a good Daddy, and I am so thankful he's the kind of daddy that will come in the door from work and jump in on whatever it is we're doing. He's a good helper, and I am a blessed woman. :)
She still has her own little monthly updates, so I won't say much. But it's crazy how she's been hitting milestones around the same time Sara did. Her personality is just really coming out. She loves laughing, loves Sara and EVERYTHING Sara does, she loves eating anything and I haven't found anything she doesn't eat. She's still pretty attached to Momma, so that's been a bit of a struggle. This girl has so many qualities of a Gryfindor student. haha I can't believe how daring and courageous she seems to be. Not only that, but when she DOES seem to hurt herself, she just gets up and keeps going. haha So when she cries over it, I know she really hurt herself. There's nothing she won't try climbing on and there's little things that she thinks are so humorous, it's so impressive that she knows to be silly. We just love her to pieces.
2 1/2 Years old today! People seem to think that she's 3. She loves to talk. Most of the time it's hilarious to hear the things she comes up with. Sometimes though, it makes you realize you should watch what you say or your kid will run around the zoo yelling "come here stupid duck!" This little girl took to potty training like a boss. It was a little stressful at first, but she's been doing such a great job with it! I think it's been about two months she's had it together. She's shown herself to be such a compassionate little girl. She's always concerned about how people are feeling, it's really sweet. She can also be a stinker, especially when it comes to sharing her toys with her sister. I feel like half of the time, she can't play with her toys because she's spending the whole time keeping them away from Jordyn. But she loves doing her activities and crafts each week, and it's amazing how much she's been learning this year. She'll say or do things, and I just am stunned that she knows that! She's an awesome big sister and a wonderful little girl!

So the 2 questions we've been asked a lot lately are: "Do you have order to go anywhere/Do you know how long you'll be at Vandenberg?" and "Are you going to try for a boy?"
Jason has a little over a year left on his enlistment. We're in the stage of praying and discussing what we want to do. If we stay in, then we'll be in for the long haul, and if we get out... then what would we do? We're leaning towards staying in, but who knows? We have until next April to finalize that. We don't have orders anywhere, nor do we have any hopes of them in the future. We're ready to though! Not that we hate this place, but it's coming up on 4 years so we're ready for something else.
We've always pictured ourselves with three kids. So no, we're not going to try for a boy... but we ARE going to have a third child. If it's a girl, then that will be the perfect way to complete our family. If it's a boy, then that will be the perfect way to complete our family. So there will be another baby in the near future, but none to speak of yet! ;)
So there you have it. Our May Christmas card for you all to enjoy.