Week 40
Hopefully the last...
The Good: Jordyn is still doing okay! It makes me happy. Thinking about finally getting to see what she looks like is super exciting! I don't know whether to put my stopping work in the good or bad section. It's good because that means we're almost done with this pregnancy FINALLY... but bad because it's a weird feeling knowing that I'm not going to be going back to school anytime soon! But I'm happy I'll get to relax at home for a bit before this one comes.
The Bad: Soreness and just not feeling very energetic. I'm also just kinda bummed this isn't over yet. It's kind of a drag when you get to your due date and then pass it... and then have no idea how much longer you'll have to wait. bleh...
The Differences: I feel so much extra soreness this time around. Walking is really painful at times and I have to walk super slow, and even turning over in my sleep is super painful!! It's just weird becuase they imagined Sara was going to be so giant and Jordyn was growing to be smaller... weird.
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May 30, 2015
Week 39
The Good: I have a husband who makes life a little more bearable for me. Today he came to surprise me at school with a mini good bye party with my class. I've just been so worried that she'll come and I won't get to say goodbye to my kids...so it was sweet of him to do that for me and my class. He's been a great support for me through this. :)
The Bad: It's really hard to cuddle with Sara. :( my belly just gets in the way and she tends to push on it and it just down right hurts. And it makes me sad when I can't cuddle. I suppose I'm also a little discouraged that this baby will be out any time soon. All the ladies I've been pregnant with have all had their babies and then there's me. It's very tough to be patient after 39 weeks!
The Differences: I guess the one I would pick this week is that I haven't stopped working yet. I still feel alright, I have energy, and my class is so good that I can just sit in my chair and teach and they are so nice for me. It's weird telling people that I am due next week... And it's a little weird thinking of going back to work on Monday... Unless she comes this weekend... But honestly, I guess I just can't pull myself away from my career just yet.
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May 23, 2015
Week 38
The Good: I'm feeling pretty great surprisingly. I definitely have to sit a lot more, but overall I'm not HORRIBLE. I'm really enjoying the last moments with this class. They're awesome. So it makes the time go by more pleasantly.
The Bad: My sleep has been awful. I wake up hot and uncomfortable all through the night. This week was especially bad, where I will wake up and not be able to fall asleep for about an hour.
The Differences: I'm feeling lots of pressure and tightness. I know I did with Sara, but these are "stop-in-your-path-and-make-me-loose-my-breathe" moments. They've been happening a lot more recently, along with just feeling super heavy. Who knows? Maybe this one will be early!
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May 16, 2015
Week 37
The Good: Today I was watching my belly move, and it was one of those moments where I was amazed at what has been happening inside my belly for the past 9 months. It's fun this time around just because I know how amazing Sara is, and I can't wait to see how awesome THIS child is. It really is a miracle. I've been doing some fun crafty stuff finally for the baby room. Right now it's still our guest room and will remain that way for a bit after she's born so my Mama can come help. But it's been fun to create a few things here and there for when we DO get to put the whole room together. :)
The Bad: At this point, I feel like I've been pregnant too long and that it'll never end... EVER. I really just despise having to go to the doctor. I'm fine, my tests seem to be fine, and I never have any questions. I think going ever week is a waste of time, so I pushed it so I don't have to go for 2 weeks. I'm such a rebel! muhahaha
The Differences: I was reading my 37 week update from Sara... It was one of my more annoyed and hating life kinda posts; it made me laugh. I don't like being pregnant, BUT I don't feel as annoyed at the moment than I did then. I was also telling Jason that I do SO much more than I did with Sara. I'm always picking myself up off the floor, bending over, carrying things I probably shouldn't (really that just means my 25 lb child). All in all, I would describe myself for the first time ever that I am actually amused or okay with being pregnant. JUST at this present moment as I type. ;)
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May 9, 2015
Week 36
The Good: 9 months! Woot! All the people I've been pregnant with have been getting their babies out, and it's making me excited about finally getting this one out. She's still moving like crazy. I was sitting in a teacher meeting this past week and my co-worker, a guy actually, noticed her rolling around while we were all sitting there. So her moves are pretty grand. Also, Sara is currently learning how to change a diaper by putting it on a bunny. She'll be a great big sister!
The Bad: I'm not very excited about going to the doctor every week until Jordyn comes. I know it's actually a good thing because I'm that much closer, but I just don't like going! wah! I'm also a grumpy patient... they ask all the same questions and I'm just like... "yep..." "nope..." "sure, whatever..." This week I have also been tested, poked and prodded. It's cruel. :(
The Differences: I can't think of any, but a similarity is that I'm getting into a crazy nesting phase at the moment. Packing go bags, preparing things, making the house super organized and getting rid of a lot too!
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May 2, 2015
Week 35

The Good: This week I had an ultra sound! Jordyn is about 5 1/2 pounds, she has long legs, and is a monkey... apparently she has a lot of hair. Which explains all the heartburn I suppose. It was also my birthday this week! Woot! So it was fun to be a bit spoiled. Another fun thing we did this last week was maternity pictures! My photographer did a good job at making me look pretty good.
The Bad: This week was super busy, not only at school, but at home. Luckily I got through it with only 2 meltdowns and crying spells. And this baby likes sugar... a lot, so I consider that a bad thing.
The Differences: I suppose the heartburn thing would be a big different. I had a bit with Sara, but this time it's after I eat or drink the weirdest things, like Fruit Roll Ups. Also, the size of the babies is different. They always measured Sara HUGE... so Jordyn I guess is measuring small, so maybe labor will be smoother?
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April 25, 2015
Week 34
The Good: Jason has had a fun time feeling her move around like crazy. She's kind of a crazy mover. Jordyn this week really likes cocoa puffs and peanut butter and marshmellow sandwiches this week. Things seems to be going well with the pregnancy though. It's amazing how fast this seems to be going. Her room is coming together as fast as I can get it done. I'm excited to meet her soon.
The Bad: This mama is sleep deprived already. Poor Sara has had a horrible cough, so the lack of sleep this pregnancy has already been giving me is double with Sara being sick. :( Also... I feel like this child has blown up in size in the last month. When I went to the doctor the other day I was just like... WOAH, that's happening. She's been smaller this whole pregnancy and now she's like BANG. So that's not comforting.
The Differences: I'm happy because my ring still fits and I haven't been getting too swollen or puffy yet! So that's a good difference. Woot!
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April 18, 2015
Week 33

The Good: One more week down... 7ish to go. One fun thing is that Jordyn likes when I'm reading to my class. She seems super active when I'm reading aloud to the kids. :) This week she really likes peanut butter.
The Bad: Fridays are hard. I think maybe I've stated this before. I just get to Fridays and I'm so done. Work is really hectic right now and there are so many things that we're trying to get done ON TOP of getting ready for state testing. So the whole situation makes it harder to be pregnant. And I guess I haven't been eating as well as I should and I feel like crap..
The Differences: I guess for my difference this week it would be the fact that this is the second child. As the time gets closer, my mind keeps going to giving labor and getting this baby out. Since with Sara it was so hard... I just really don't want to do it again! It's terrifying since I DO know what to expect this time. So if you're reading this, please say a prayer for me and my anxiety over the whole thing. Thanks.
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April 11, 2015
Week 32
The Good: 8 months! How is that already possible?!?! This week has been alright. Not really too many annoyances or frustrations pregnancy wise. One thing that has made me super happy is that I dyed my hair darker again. Ahhhhhh. I feel a little better. It's hard seeing myself all big and giant and then not liking the way you look is pretty stressful. So I figured if I can get one thing about myself that I do really like... I would feel better. So there ya go. That really doesn't even have much to do with the pregnancy though. She's kicking and moving like crazy. The doctor has reminded me to do kick counts... but seriously, she just moves around ALL the time! ^_^
The Bad: Well, by Fridays at school I'm just burned out. I know I'm trying to make it all the way to June 5th... but it's going to be rough. I also just woke up really sore this morning. I did a lot this week and my body hates me. But really, even though the exhaustion is hard... I don't have too much to complain about this week.
The Differences: My leg goes numb a lot more. My co-teacher says the baby is sitting on my sciatic nerve. It's really annoying. I don't remember that happening much with Sara.

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April 4, 2015The Bad: Well, by Fridays at school I'm just burned out. I know I'm trying to make it all the way to June 5th... but it's going to be rough. I also just woke up really sore this morning. I did a lot this week and my body hates me. But really, even though the exhaustion is hard... I don't have too much to complain about this week.
The Differences: My leg goes numb a lot more. My co-teacher says the baby is sitting on my sciatic nerve. It's really annoying. I don't remember that happening much with Sara.

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Week 31
The Good: It was a good week at home with the family. Eating yummy food, hanging out with lovely people, sharing my baby belly, and watching Sara play with the family was just so much fun. Pregnancy wise... I'm feeling decent. I like to wear long skirts because I don't feel as "bleh" in them, Jordyn really likes water, oranges, red meat, and chocolate.
The Bad: This week also had a lot of bads attached to it. I got sick... once again. Something about Vegas brings out the sinus and coughing troubles for me. I'm still getting over it... but it was no fun. Also, it was hotter there and it was not very enjoyable. While we're complaining... I don't like my hair color or the week's picture this week. So... ya.
The Differences: One thing I feel is different would be that I can feel Jordyn from the outside more than with Sara. What I mean is... when she slams herself up against my belly wall, I can make out her body parts a little more clearer... if that makes sense.
The Bad: This week also had a lot of bads attached to it. I got sick... once again. Something about Vegas brings out the sinus and coughing troubles for me. I'm still getting over it... but it was no fun. Also, it was hotter there and it was not very enjoyable. While we're complaining... I don't like my hair color or the week's picture this week. So... ya.
The Differences: One thing I feel is different would be that I can feel Jordyn from the outside more than with Sara. What I mean is... when she slams herself up against my belly wall, I can make out her body parts a little more clearer... if that makes sense.

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The Good: Next week is Spring Break! Time to relax and spend time with the family. I also cannot believe that we're already in the 30's!!! Which means this is closer to being over! YAY! Also, I found this neat app on my phone where you hold up the speakers onto your belly and can hear the baby's heartbeat! It's not the best of quality... but it's super cool nonetheless.
The Bad: This week has been hard. I think because there's just so much going on and I'm exhausted. We've had conferences this week, so I've been at school later... and there's been a lot of intense problems happening with our 5th graders that's just hard to wrap my mind around. :( So it's been a stressful one.
The Differences: I've been walking EXTREMELY slow this week because my stomach is all tight and crampy. Which I attribute to all the stress happening. Even wearing my belly strap thing isn't helping. So I'm glad I can take the next week off to recuperate. At this rate... I don't know how I'm going to get through the next ten weeks of working and being pregnant.
The Bad: This week has been hard. I think because there's just so much going on and I'm exhausted. We've had conferences this week, so I've been at school later... and there's been a lot of intense problems happening with our 5th graders that's just hard to wrap my mind around. :( So it's been a stressful one.
The Differences: I've been walking EXTREMELY slow this week because my stomach is all tight and crampy. Which I attribute to all the stress happening. Even wearing my belly strap thing isn't helping. So I'm glad I can take the next week off to recuperate. At this rate... I don't know how I'm going to get through the next ten weeks of working and being pregnant.
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March 21, 2015Week 29
The Good: I feel pretty decent this week actually. She's getting heavier, but it's not too horrible. It's fun to feel her flipping around all day when I teach. Sometimes it's pretty hard. I also think she really likes Girl Scout cookies. ;)
The Bad: I really need to just stop watching Grey's Anatomy. They have too many stories on there about babies and pregnant women. Last night was one where the mom dies and then it left me freaking out that it would happen to me. It's a scary thought thinking of leaving your girls with no mama. :(
The Differences: One thing I realized is that my bladder seemed a little more... free? haha I guess Jordyn doesn't like to hug it like Sara did. I can pretty much always make it through the night without having to get up. So at least that's one less reason I have to get up! Huzzah!
March 14, 2015
Week 28
The Good: We've entered the third trimester! yippy! I passed my glucose test, so no gestational diabetes. My antibody screening also came back negative which is great because it means that mine and Jordyn's blood hasn't touched or mixed AND that my blood isn't attacking hers. As always, it's nice hearing her heartbeat and feeling her move around. Sara likes giving Mama's belly kisses now. I wonder what she'll think when there's a new one around! I also love that Sara doesn't give a crap about taking pictures with Mama now. hahaThe Bad: The last couple days I've been a sweaty mess!!!! BLAH! Today was super hot, AND we went to the zoo. It was a hot one. I've still been having trouble sleeping and it's pretty annoying.
The Differences: This time around I've been stressing out more about the labor. Not only getting the baby out, but taking care of everything that has to be done before then. I don't just have to worry about work and planning with that, but now I have to worry about where is Sara going to go when all this happens? And how long will we be in the hospital this time? Who will be here for her that whole time?! I know it'll all work out for the best, but it's just the unknown that I hate.
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March 7, 2015
Week 27
The Good: This week when I went into the doctor for my monthly appointment, I had Sara and Jason with me. When they went to check the heartbeat, Sara started dancing back and forth. It was pretty much adorable. Jordyn loves her red meat. She loves to roll and kick Mama when she's teaching.
The Bad: This week I was struck with the stomach bug. Sara lovingly gave it to me. So that was three rough days. I even had to just take two days off because I couldn't... "stomach" it. And I was just so worried I was ruining the baby because I couldn't eat or drink much. But on the plus side... she's still kicking away!
The Differences: Again... I was never that sick with Sara. This pregnancy is just so much more miserable. I feel like I've gotten to the point of "I hate being pregnant" so much faster than I did with Sara.
The Bad: This week I was struck with the stomach bug. Sara lovingly gave it to me. So that was three rough days. I even had to just take two days off because I couldn't... "stomach" it. And I was just so worried I was ruining the baby because I couldn't eat or drink much. But on the plus side... she's still kicking away!
The Differences: Again... I was never that sick with Sara. This pregnancy is just so much more miserable. I feel like I've gotten to the point of "I hate being pregnant" so much faster than I did with Sara.
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February 28, 2015
Week 26
The Good: I bought a maternity dress that I actually like! I feel like that's a really good thing. Thing 2 likes to kick Sara when she sits on my lap. haha The sibling rivalry has already begun. Jason and I got to go on a date night and we went to the hibachi grill. MMMMM! So good. I like when I can find food that I really enjoy.
The Bad: Yesterday I had to do the glucose test. Gross. It's just inhumane really. Basically three hours of starvation and being poked for blood three times and being forced to drink nastiness! Also... anyone who reads this... DO. NOT.... tell a pregnant woman that she looks like she's gained some weight since the last time you talked to her!! Even if you're joking. It's stupid and we don't want to hear what we already know.
The Differences: This week I have really been dealing with being nauseous again. That definitely did not happen the first time around. Bleh
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February 21, 2015
Week 25
The Good: I finally told people about me staying home next year. So that's a plus. One major decision out in the open. We also think we decided on a name. I'm sure I'll think of some cute annoying way to tell everyone. muhahaha The little one is also getting much bigger. Her movements are more... "bulky?" then they use to. Jason likes to be weirded out by them.
The Bad: This week it's been extra moodiness!!! It's pretty bad. Sometimes I think I should just leave school and go crawl in a whole for the day. I know I'm a moody person in general... but boy oh boy... It's hard to contain yourself sometimes.
The Differences: The one thing I can think of is that my belly gets tense a lot more with this one. Probably because I have a lot more going on this time.
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Week 24
The Good: Still feeling pretty decent. One good thing is that this week is over and I get a 3 day weekend. Thank goodness! I like when I go to the doctor's office to get her heartbeat checked. It's my favorite time during this pregnancy. Just me and her. She's a funny little one and likes to kick at the doctor when they are pushing down on my belly. She's a wiggly worm.
The Bad: One bad thing I can think of is that I should not be watching TV shows where the characters are having pregnancy complications. It makes me all anxious and makes me wonder what would happen if it were me. And I've been feeling extra bloated and blaaaaah this week too. It's also getting hot and I sweat like a pig.
The Differences: I can't think of anything profound this week, as normal. One difference is that the due date from my doctor and the due date from my ultra sound lady is only a day difference instead of 2 weeks like with Sara. I had that confirmed today. I had to spend a whole extra appointment going down there to make sure of that. Boooooo.

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February 7, 2015
Week 23
The Good: Having a good husband who still loves me when I'm an emotional, pregnant mess.
The Bad: I feel useless a lot of the times at work sometimes. Maybe not so much that but more of that I feel bad that people have to pick up the slack I can't do. And I need to cool it on doing so many extra things at work. It's a lot... It's going to run me down fast!
The Differences: Ive gotten sick so many times this go around. Just cold symptoms but still... No bueno! I've also been struggling with straining my neck and upper back its very strange. That's happened four time now in the past 23 weeks!! I don't get it.
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February 1, 2015- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Week 22
The Good: I think one thing I've loved this week... and I'm too lazy to go back to see if I've mentioned this... is Sara likes to rub my belly. She'll lift my shirt up and tickle my belly button. I even say "Give the baby a hug" and she'll hug me. It's so sweet. I'd like to think that she really does know what's happening.
The Bad: I feel like as I do this week by week I'm just having absolutely nothing to write on here. I guess one bad thing to report is that I had to have that talk with my class. The talk explaining to them that there comes a point when I will drop something and just not even bother to try and pick it up because it's more work than it's worth. And that that time was coming VERY soon.
The Differences: Going back to sleeping. With Sara I never had any problems. Now with Sara being 1... this week she came down with pneumonia... so we didn't get much sleep this week. So the difference is.. I just feel so much more exhausted!
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January 24, 2015
Week 21

Week 21
The Good: I guess the one good thing is it has been another week. This week seems boring and I don't really have any updates or anything new to share.
The Bad: I hate stretch marks. I also hate you if you never got stretch marks.... (I'm only half way kidding)
The Differences: I can't think of any, so I'll do a similarity. I love cheese. Cheese everything. Mac and Cheese, cheese and crackers, string cheese, nacho cheese, cheese quesadilla... that's... that's about it.
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January 17, 2015
Week 20
The Good: Fun things happened this week! First awesome moment was when Jason was able to feel little Thing 2 kicking! She kicked him pretty good too. I think she already loves playing with the Daddy. Then we went in to get our 20 week ultrasound. It was fun to watch her wiggle around. She's looking healthy, growing well, and has a little pot belly just like Mama. I forgot how much I love feeling babies move around in your belly. And then it's all just bizarre are alienish at the same time!
The Bad: I've been having really bad back pains this time around. The other night it was even hard to sleep because of it. Then there's always the "You're getting big" comments... what fun. Just what every woman wants to hear... It's true, but still. Doesn't sound comforting.
The Differences: I never was really much of a drinker before, but right before we found out she was coming I was certainly finally getting a taste for some of the yummy wine from time to time here in Wine Country. So this time around I find myself missing a glass from time to time. With Sara I just didn't care.
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January 9, 2015Week 19
The Good: This week was fun because Sara went to the doctor appointment with me. She did a great job. When it came time to hear the heart beat, she stopped what she was doing, looked up at us, and just flashed a huge smile. It was precious. Also this week, we took a trip to Disneyland and it wasn't unbearable being there and being preggers.
The Bad: Well... Disneyland was great and all, BUT this Mama was mad she couldn't go on any of the really cool rides. And I was super hungry ALL day long. So I'm counting that as a bad.
The Differences: I went to the dentist today and apparently have horrible gums because of the pregnancy. So that is one difference between the two pregnancies.
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January 3, 2015Week 18
The Bad: This week's picture for one... ew. But Sara looked really, so Mama sacrificed an ugo picture of herself for the greater good. I've been pretty emotional. Booo. Crying over Cedric Diggory being killed by Voldemort and crying because my parents did too much work helping us in our new house and didn't get as much relaxing. What a werido.
The Differences: I suppose one difference would be that I have absolutely NO idea what this child's name is going to be. She'll end up being She Who Must Not Be Named Lawyer. Sara was just always... Sara, this one... is just "This one".
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December 27, 2014Week 17
Yeah... no week 16. Ooops. Life got crazy last week.
The Good: We found out we're having another girl! I was actually very shocked because I had myself all built up for a boy and ready to hear "Boy"... This little girl was easy to tell the gender of, and the ultrasound tech kept saying she was sure 100% every couple minutes. I've been feeling pretty decent lately and feeling lots of little movements too! yay! The Bad: Exhaustion and unable to help! We just moved from one house on base to the other, and it was pathetic of me because I couldn't do much. :( When it came time to clean the house I was really worthless becuase all the smells made me dizzy and feel sick. Bleh!
The Differences: These pregnancy dreams this time around are CRAZY! Plus they make me wake up all anxious and I can't fall back asleep. Every night it's been 1-3 different VERY bizzare and VERY vivid dreams. It's freaking me out.
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December 14, 2014Week 15
The Good: I'm very excited about going in for an ultrasound this Friday. We decided that it would be fun to find out the gender of the baby on our 5th anniversary. So that's our present to ourselves. Pregnancy wise, I'm feeling decent and feeling movement. I was also surprised that I really have only gained about 5-6 lbs since the beginning. I was a little shocked considering I feel giant this time around. But yay me!
The Bad: Flu shot. I've never gotten one. I think they're stupid. I didn't get one with Sara, and I wasn't going to get one this time, but I guess having Sara around made me feel like I should. I don't know. So I did... now I'm sick. Thanks. I haven't been sick in this way since we moved to Vandenberg. Wonderful. So that sucks. And it's getting hard to play with Sara because she likes to climb on us, and obviously that's not a good idea... Poor girl.
The Differences: Sleep. I don't. Yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say about that.
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December 5, 2014
The Good: Today, I was able to go to the doctor and hear the little baby heartbeat. It's just amazing to think that there's another human being made! Crazy. It's sad to say, but with all the work at school, work at home, and raising Sara, I don't often think about this baby every day like I did Sara. So, being able to just be me and the baby and listening to the heartbeat, just made me stop and enjoy the small time of bonding that I got to have. It was a special moment. Also good news... we're already in the second trimester! AND I'm able to stay up until 9:00 now. Success.
The Bad: I guess I have a hernia. The doctor didn't seem to concerned since it wasn't giving me pain and it's not sticking way out. I was wondering why my bellybutton seemed to be poking out already. I had to get a flu shot. I think they're stupid, but the doctor played the "Pregnant people can die from the flu"card... and although I thought that was a little ridiculous... I caved.
The Differences: When is this baby going to make me warm all the time?? I'm so COLD this time around!! It also sucks that I'm getting fatter faster this time around. Although, I didn't gain any weight since the last appointment... hmmm
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November 29, 2014
The Good: One good thing, is I am pretty sure I feel little flutters here and there already. Maternity pants are the best. I can't believe I already dragged them out, but it was worth the comfort. I have a great class this year. I think they will make it easier to get through this pregnancy. Having Jason around is a definite good thing. He's a helpful little hubby pants. Sharing this with Sara is also interesting. I like to show her the ultrasound and she points at it and talks to it... it's so stinking cute!
The Bad: Exhaustion is my main killer. I thought being pregnant the first time and working was hard... then I thought having Sara and working was hard; but being a working, pregnant mom... jeez. There are some nights where we will put Sara to sleep and then I'm falling into bed right after. Feeling sick is the next killer. I haven't thrown up, but it's the constant nausea and just not being able to eat; mainly because nothing sounds good OR tastes good.
The Differences: I would say the biggest difference so far is with food. With Sara, I felt like I would crave things sometimes, but there was never really anything that just made me want to yack! This time around... we will cook dinner and while we're cooking it I just can't stand it! I also really like red meat this time around. mmmmmmhmmmm It really is just so hard this time around to find something that I actually want to eat. Next big difference so far... is my wretched skin! I had such clear skin the first time around... now, BLEH!
Yay for a wee one!! Hoping something yummy tastes good real soon. Sorry there isn't a Grimaldi's nearby. Sigh. Twas wonderful and a blessing to love on all three of you last week.
Auntie Jo
"He's a helpful LITTLE hubby pants"-- pretty sure no man wants to hear that and I think Chad would roast me if I ever said that... but I can read through the lines and am glad Jason is so helpful :)
Did I mention that Joellen is a nice name??!!! xxxoxoxox
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the fun. Thanks for sharing what is going as Jordyn prepares for her arrival. At least we know she has great parents and lots or folks looking forward to loving on her.
ReplyDeleteSending love as you await the grand finale of this pregnancy. Jordyn Joellen is sure to be just as beautiful as her big sister!! ooxxoxo
ReplyDeleteA. Jo