Weight: 24 lbs according to my calculations
Length: 30 inches according to my calculations
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. The teeth keep coming! 16 by age one! This girl is crazy. But I guess it's nice to just get them all in so fast!
2. We've determined she loves the color red. The things she ends up playing with in the play room are usually red.
3. She can climb up AND down the stairs all by herself. We obviously still go up and down with her, but she is a pro.
4. When we ask her if she wants something to eat, she always starts smacking her lips together.
5. She's still not walking. Stubborn girl. She doesn't even have the desire to use her push cart toy. She'll walk along the couch and things like that, but doesn't want to walk.
6. I cannot get her to drink out of a sippy cup. I've tried very hard... But it's just not happening. grrrrrr
7. She's drinking whole milk. I ran out of formula and didn't want to buy more so we started early. Luckily, it was an easy transition.
8. Any time I'm sitting on the floor, she crawls into my lap. Jason too. She's such a snuggly bug.
9. She started playing on the playgrounds! I put her on one of the littler ones and she climbed up the stairs and had fun going down the slide.
10. I can't believe how early tantrums have started with this girl. She freaks out when any of us take something she's not suppose to have or say no Hailey. Full on tears and screams. How fun...
2. We've determined she loves the color red. The things she ends up playing with in the play room are usually red.
3. She can climb up AND down the stairs all by herself. We obviously still go up and down with her, but she is a pro.
4. When we ask her if she wants something to eat, she always starts smacking her lips together.
5. She's still not walking. Stubborn girl. She doesn't even have the desire to use her push cart toy. She'll walk along the couch and things like that, but doesn't want to walk.
6. I cannot get her to drink out of a sippy cup. I've tried very hard... But it's just not happening. grrrrrr
7. She's drinking whole milk. I ran out of formula and didn't want to buy more so we started early. Luckily, it was an easy transition.
8. Any time I'm sitting on the floor, she crawls into my lap. Jason too. She's such a snuggly bug.
9. She started playing on the playgrounds! I put her on one of the littler ones and she climbed up the stairs and had fun going down the slide.
10. I can't believe how early tantrums have started with this girl. She freaks out when any of us take something she's not suppose to have or say no Hailey. Full on tears and screams. How fun...
A Note from Mamma:
We made it! Last monthly update! A little tear is building up in my eye, but how fun that we've made it this far. This month it was funny to try and take pictures of her. She was so giggly and all over the place. What a goofball. She fits into the Lawyer sisterhood quite well. It has been SO fun to watch her grow up and to watch her brain develop and try new things. At the same time it makes me so sad that we're not closer to family, they miss out on so much and that just really sucks. I was annoyed at first to throw a first birthday, but then I thought about all the people up here in Alaska that have been here for us to help, listen and who have been our family away from home and I think in my mind and heart her first birthday party has turned into an appreciation to them. And thanks to everyone else who has followed these crazy monthly updates over the years. I hope they help you feel closer to our family. :)
We made it! Last monthly update! A little tear is building up in my eye, but how fun that we've made it this far. This month it was funny to try and take pictures of her. She was so giggly and all over the place. What a goofball. She fits into the Lawyer sisterhood quite well. It has been SO fun to watch her grow up and to watch her brain develop and try new things. At the same time it makes me so sad that we're not closer to family, they miss out on so much and that just really sucks. I was annoyed at first to throw a first birthday, but then I thought about all the people up here in Alaska that have been here for us to help, listen and who have been our family away from home and I think in my mind and heart her first birthday party has turned into an appreciation to them. And thanks to everyone else who has followed these crazy monthly updates over the years. I hope they help you feel closer to our family. :)
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Weight: 23 lbs according to my calculations
Length: 30 inches according to my calculations
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. This girl now has all her first molars making her teeth count TWELVE!
2. She's definitely in this "stranger danger" phase of life and has a harder time in nursery or when I leave. It's been hard, so I hope that it passes soon.
3. We've taught her how to sign "more" and "all done" I'm just impressed that we got two down with the third kid. ha
4. I can put her hair into a tiny pony tail now. Her hair only grows in one spot on her head.
5. She loves to climb the stairs. She's pretty good at it. She's always wanting to go up to the playroom and play play play. I know I should put the baby gate up... but I would love to not have a baby gate. We work on going down stairs, but so far she hasn't just tried climbing down by herself.
6. She's walking along things and has stood all by herself without holding onto anything for about 5-10 seconds. Doesn't seem like much, but the small steps are still awesome.
7. She's an explorer for sure. She just loves to see how things work and what they do. It's fun to watch her.
8. We went on a bus ride this month! I think she just loved not being strapped in and was able to see everything.
9. Her favorite pacifier is Draco the Dragon. Surprising. But She wakes up with him and if we give her a different one when we lay her down, she spits it out and grabs Draco instead. haha
10. She's wearing size 3-4 shoes. The other girls had tiny tiny feet when they were her age.
2. She's definitely in this "stranger danger" phase of life and has a harder time in nursery or when I leave. It's been hard, so I hope that it passes soon.
3. We've taught her how to sign "more" and "all done" I'm just impressed that we got two down with the third kid. ha
4. I can put her hair into a tiny pony tail now. Her hair only grows in one spot on her head.
5. She loves to climb the stairs. She's pretty good at it. She's always wanting to go up to the playroom and play play play. I know I should put the baby gate up... but I would love to not have a baby gate. We work on going down stairs, but so far she hasn't just tried climbing down by herself.
6. She's walking along things and has stood all by herself without holding onto anything for about 5-10 seconds. Doesn't seem like much, but the small steps are still awesome.
7. She's an explorer for sure. She just loves to see how things work and what they do. It's fun to watch her.
8. We went on a bus ride this month! I think she just loved not being strapped in and was able to see everything.
9. Her favorite pacifier is Draco the Dragon. Surprising. But She wakes up with him and if we give her a different one when we lay her down, she spits it out and grabs Draco instead. haha
10. She's wearing size 3-4 shoes. The other girls had tiny tiny feet when they were her age.
A Note from Mamma:
I feel like she's started thinning out a bit this month. She just grew so fast the first couple months and now she's almost at a stand still. She's also been sick half the month and growing thousands of teeth at once. haha But she's such a fun and cute little girl. Having Sara and Jordyn around always make her day brighter. Jason took them somewhere and left Hailey and I at home and I think she was so lost without her sisters around. We're still working on the Jordyn and Hailey relationship. They'll get there. Also... I don't think I'll miss doing these monthly updates, but we'll see how I feel after I write my LAST ONE next month!
I feel like she's started thinning out a bit this month. She just grew so fast the first couple months and now she's almost at a stand still. She's also been sick half the month and growing thousands of teeth at once. haha But she's such a fun and cute little girl. Having Sara and Jordyn around always make her day brighter. Jason took them somewhere and left Hailey and I at home and I think she was so lost without her sisters around. We're still working on the Jordyn and Hailey relationship. They'll get there. Also... I don't think I'll miss doing these monthly updates, but we'll see how I feel after I write my LAST ONE next month!
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Weight: 22.6 lbs according to my calculations
Length: 29.5 inches according to my calculations
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. She had her first warm beach experience. And went to 5 different states via 6 different airplanes. She was SO sick of traveling.
2. Her bottom molars are making their way, but for now they're just big red swollen mounds in her mouth. Poor girl.
3. Finally she's started pulling herself up. She's getting to be a pro.
4. She loves doors. She'll just sit there and open and close doors and cabinets all day long.
5. She also loves to crawl under the table.
6. Sadly, she's attached herself to cell phones. Not even a working one, just the fake ones we have!
7. One of her favorite things to do is laugh with her sisters. They crack themselves up it's the cutest thing.
8. She likes to crawl around chanting "Mama mama mama" I like to think that she's really calling me Mama but who knows.
9. She loves to dance to the Coco soundtrack.
10. She gets really mad when people are happy and laughing. I know I've mentioned the crying when people laugh part... but it's pretty comical how much she hates loud laughter. ha
2. Her bottom molars are making their way, but for now they're just big red swollen mounds in her mouth. Poor girl.
3. Finally she's started pulling herself up. She's getting to be a pro.
4. She loves doors. She'll just sit there and open and close doors and cabinets all day long.
5. She also loves to crawl under the table.
6. Sadly, she's attached herself to cell phones. Not even a working one, just the fake ones we have!
7. One of her favorite things to do is laugh with her sisters. They crack themselves up it's the cutest thing.
8. She likes to crawl around chanting "Mama mama mama" I like to think that she's really calling me Mama but who knows.
9. She loves to dance to the Coco soundtrack.
10. She gets really mad when people are happy and laughing. I know I've mentioned the crying when people laugh part... but it's pretty comical how much she hates loud laughter. ha
A Note from Mamma:
Nothing really too new to report. Sara and Hailey have a special connection and Jordyn still doesn't really want anything to do with her. Jordyn just hates when Hailey comes close to her... and Hailey better not attempt to take Jordyn's toy or all hell breaks loose. haha We're getting there. This month we're going to be moving houses, so it'll be interesting to see how all the girls adjust. The big girls are super excited and have already picked their rooms. I'm looking forward to a smaller house with less clutter! yes
Nothing really too new to report. Sara and Hailey have a special connection and Jordyn still doesn't really want anything to do with her. Jordyn just hates when Hailey comes close to her... and Hailey better not attempt to take Jordyn's toy or all hell breaks loose. haha We're getting there. This month we're going to be moving houses, so it'll be interesting to see how all the girls adjust. The big girls are super excited and have already picked their rooms. I'm looking forward to a smaller house with less clutter! yes
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Weight: 22.3 lbs
Length: 29.4 inches
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. She's a fast little crawler! You can see her red knees on the laying down picture... she crawls all day long!
2. She can climb the stairs, so we had to put up the baby gate already. Bummer.
3. One of her favorite foods is raspberries.
4. If I prop her up, she can stand on her own. Like if I stand her up, she holds on to the baby gate. Impressive.
5. Her favorite little stuffed animal is an IKEA pig, she gets SO excited to hug and snuggle with it.
6. She went sledding for the first time. She cried when it was over, but I think she liked it.
7. She's one loud screamer when we have to take something away from her or when Jordyn yells "NO" at her.
8. When Sara or Jordyn lay down on the ground, she likes to crawl over and climb on top of them. Usually she starts to pat their back too. It's the cutest thing.
9. Her favorite place to play is in the kitchen. There are some fun rags and kitchen utensils in the bottom drawers she likes to open and play with. Sometimes she puts a rag in her mouth and walks around. haha
10. Her two tickle spots are on her thighs and right below her collar bone. And when you tickle her she lets out this giant belly laugh! It's the cutest thing.
2. She can climb the stairs, so we had to put up the baby gate already. Bummer.
3. One of her favorite foods is raspberries.
4. If I prop her up, she can stand on her own. Like if I stand her up, she holds on to the baby gate. Impressive.
5. Her favorite little stuffed animal is an IKEA pig, she gets SO excited to hug and snuggle with it.
6. She went sledding for the first time. She cried when it was over, but I think she liked it.
7. She's one loud screamer when we have to take something away from her or when Jordyn yells "NO" at her.
8. When Sara or Jordyn lay down on the ground, she likes to crawl over and climb on top of them. Usually she starts to pat their back too. It's the cutest thing.
9. Her favorite place to play is in the kitchen. There are some fun rags and kitchen utensils in the bottom drawers she likes to open and play with. Sometimes she puts a rag in her mouth and walks around. haha
10. Her two tickle spots are on her thighs and right below her collar bone. And when you tickle her she lets out this giant belly laugh! It's the cutest thing.
A Note from Mamma:
It's been super fun this month to watch the girls grow together as sisters. Sara just LOVES to play with Hailey and Hailey just laughs and laughs at her. Jordyn is learning that Hailey likes to take her things and is working on trying to refrain from yelling NO at her. She is starting to really enjoy having her around though and when she talks about the family she always adds Hailey in there. So she's getting there. I know this is our last baby, and thinking of not having anymore doesn't make me sad... however... now that Hailey is 9m and almost one that really makes me sad for a minute that our baby stage is almost over. Right now I really like the stage she's in and I feel like I'm always trying to hang onto every moment because I never know when it'll be the last time she does something.
It's been super fun this month to watch the girls grow together as sisters. Sara just LOVES to play with Hailey and Hailey just laughs and laughs at her. Jordyn is learning that Hailey likes to take her things and is working on trying to refrain from yelling NO at her. She is starting to really enjoy having her around though and when she talks about the family she always adds Hailey in there. So she's getting there. I know this is our last baby, and thinking of not having anymore doesn't make me sad... however... now that Hailey is 9m and almost one that really makes me sad for a minute that our baby stage is almost over. Right now I really like the stage she's in and I feel like I'm always trying to hang onto every moment because I never know when it'll be the last time she does something.
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Weight: 21 pounds according to my calculations
Length: 28 inches according to my calculations
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. She is now fully on formula and solid foods. You can read my note down below for more on that.
2. She claps! But I can't remember if it happened last month or this month! But either way, she loves clapping when we saying "YAAAAY Hailey!" It's so cute.
3. We've also taught her how to wave now! She waves when we say "Night Night Hailey" Or "Can you say goodbye (or hello)" I'm impressed by her waving on cue!
4. She's definitely a crawler now. Still a bit wobbly, but she's gets around pretty great. Now the big girls finally understand why they have to keep their toys high if they don't want them taken! haha
5. She has to take baths on her own, because she splashes SO much that it makes the other two mad if they're in there with her. Silly baby.
6. We left her in the church nursery for the first time! She did great.
7. This girl LOVES the pool! We took her to the pool for the first time and she just played for the whole 2 hours we were there. So happy.
8. She's started dancing when we have our little dance parties! Really, she's just rocking back and forth with her hand waving in the air. She gets most excited watching the other two run around.
9. Oh! Best of all this month, she's sleeping through the night! The earliest through the night sleeper of them all!
10. Clothing stats... she's in 2T pajamas (because she's so wide and long), 18-24m clothes, and size 4 diapers... but really I've just been putting Jordyn's shirts that are too small straight into Jordyn's closet.
2. She claps! But I can't remember if it happened last month or this month! But either way, she loves clapping when we saying "YAAAAY Hailey!" It's so cute.
3. We've also taught her how to wave now! She waves when we say "Night Night Hailey" Or "Can you say goodbye (or hello)" I'm impressed by her waving on cue!
4. She's definitely a crawler now. Still a bit wobbly, but she's gets around pretty great. Now the big girls finally understand why they have to keep their toys high if they don't want them taken! haha
5. She has to take baths on her own, because she splashes SO much that it makes the other two mad if they're in there with her. Silly baby.
6. We left her in the church nursery for the first time! She did great.
7. This girl LOVES the pool! We took her to the pool for the first time and she just played for the whole 2 hours we were there. So happy.
8. She's started dancing when we have our little dance parties! Really, she's just rocking back and forth with her hand waving in the air. She gets most excited watching the other two run around.
9. Oh! Best of all this month, she's sleeping through the night! The earliest through the night sleeper of them all!
10. Clothing stats... she's in 2T pajamas (because she's so wide and long), 18-24m clothes, and size 4 diapers... but really I've just been putting Jordyn's shirts that are too small straight into Jordyn's closet.
A Note from Mamma:
During this past month, we had a nasty virus go through the house. It hit everyone, but I definitely had it the worst. So in that time, my milk started drying up and I was too exhausted to try to keep it up. If you know me... you know I'm really not a fan of nursing. Honestly, it's great... I know it's magical power for my baby and full of yummy yummy goodness, but sometimes I feel like moms feel like they have to explain themselves when they stop nursing. My baby is well loved, well fed and will be just fine. It's taken me three babies to realize that it's not the end of the world if I stop nursing. And selfishly, it's been awesome because lately she's been only waking up once at night! *gasp* Also, I thought back on my life and it's been the last 5 years have either been me pregnant or nursing, with only like 3 months in between with out. I feel like a whole different person now that I have stopped. It's crazy.
During this past month, we had a nasty virus go through the house. It hit everyone, but I definitely had it the worst. So in that time, my milk started drying up and I was too exhausted to try to keep it up. If you know me... you know I'm really not a fan of nursing. Honestly, it's great... I know it's magical power for my baby and full of yummy yummy goodness, but sometimes I feel like moms feel like they have to explain themselves when they stop nursing. My baby is well loved, well fed and will be just fine. It's taken me three babies to realize that it's not the end of the world if I stop nursing. And selfishly, it's been awesome because lately she's been only waking up once at night! *gasp* Also, I thought back on my life and it's been the last 5 years have either been me pregnant or nursing, with only like 3 months in between with out. I feel like a whole different person now that I have stopped. It's crazy.
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December 18 - Seven Month
Weight: 20 pounds (I took advantage of Sara's appointment to weigh her!)
Length: 27.9 inches according to my calculations
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. She's getting really good at picking up her bits of food and putting them in her mouth.
2. Finally I have gotten her to take a bottle! I've been trying for months so I don't have to worry about her if I'm not around (but when does that ever happen anyway?)
3. She's found that she can bite her little toesies!
4. Two more teeth are coming in up top making it a grand total of 7! Good grief!
5. She hates being told "no" or when I take something away that she shouldn't play with. I don't remember the other two doing that so young.
6. Her favorite toys are small stuffed animals and things she can bang together. And we have a jar of shower curtain rings that she really enjoys playing with too.
7. She loves to be around when we are reading to the old two girls. She likes to slap the books and attempts to turn the pages.
8. She LOVES the bath tub! I put her in first sometimes and then put the other girls in after she's washed and she's usually the last one out!
9. She laughs hysterically when you tickle under her neck or belly.
10. Recently she has found lots of excitement being lifted into the air. It makes her super happy.
2. Finally I have gotten her to take a bottle! I've been trying for months so I don't have to worry about her if I'm not around (but when does that ever happen anyway?)
3. She's found that she can bite her little toesies!
4. Two more teeth are coming in up top making it a grand total of 7! Good grief!
5. She hates being told "no" or when I take something away that she shouldn't play with. I don't remember the other two doing that so young.
6. Her favorite toys are small stuffed animals and things she can bang together. And we have a jar of shower curtain rings that she really enjoys playing with too.
7. She loves to be around when we are reading to the old two girls. She likes to slap the books and attempts to turn the pages.
8. She LOVES the bath tub! I put her in first sometimes and then put the other girls in after she's washed and she's usually the last one out!
9. She laughs hysterically when you tickle under her neck or belly.
10. Recently she has found lots of excitement being lifted into the air. It makes her super happy.
A Note from Mamma:
I find it hard to find ten new things to tell you about her this month. I feel like it's just been the same thing day in and day out. Not that she's not changing, because she is, but obviously she's growing and all that. She makes these crawling actions, so I'm pretty sure that will start up this month! Yippy... my life is about to get much harder. I also wish she wouldn't be so grumpy when I take her monthly pictures... she's really not always this grumpy. haha
I find it hard to find ten new things to tell you about her this month. I feel like it's just been the same thing day in and day out. Not that she's not changing, because she is, but obviously she's growing and all that. She makes these crawling actions, so I'm pretty sure that will start up this month! Yippy... my life is about to get much harder. I also wish she wouldn't be so grumpy when I take her monthly pictures... she's really not always this grumpy. haha
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November 18 - Six Month
Weight: 19.2 pounds
Length: 27.2 inches
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. Hailey took her first plane ride this month down to the Southwest! Overall I was impressed with how well she did. The first leg was the worst, she basically whined and cried the whole 2 1/2 hours. But the couple next to us were kind and understanding (and they had 6 grandkids of their own). The other two legs of the trip I had no one next to me so she was so much happier to stretch out a bit.
2. Have I mentioned how much she loves to laugh? It's the sweetest thing.
3. We started solid foods this month. She hates pureed food and went straight to whatever we were eating! The funny thing is that I went through all the veggies and when I got to the fruits she HATED them! haha But that was just the pureed stuff, I smashed up an apple and she enjoyed that.
4. Not only does she sit up super well now, but she's started to turn and twist to get things she wants. She even can get herself over my legs when I am sitting next to her.
5. Loud noises scare the crap out of her. Even if it's quiet and then somebody or a group of people start laughing. She loses her mind and freaks out. She gets scared easily.
6. Her sleeping still sucks... but we're working on it.
7. She refuses to drink from a bottle, even with pumped milk. This is new territory for me, the other two had no issues at all.
8. Jason refuses to put her in 18m pajamas... so this giant baby is is 24m pajamas! haha She is nearing the end of 12m pants and I brought out the 18m ones, but she's still fitting alright in 12m tops. And because of her big belly, she's in size 4 diapers.
9. She is comforted not only by knowing Mommy is around, but when her sisters are around. We had a babysitter and when she was alone she cried and cried, but when Sara and Jordyn came downstairs she was happy and content! It's so sweet that she recognizes them and knows they're around.
10. She sits in the bathtub all by herself now. It won't be long before she's in there with the other girls!
2. Have I mentioned how much she loves to laugh? It's the sweetest thing.
3. We started solid foods this month. She hates pureed food and went straight to whatever we were eating! The funny thing is that I went through all the veggies and when I got to the fruits she HATED them! haha But that was just the pureed stuff, I smashed up an apple and she enjoyed that.
4. Not only does she sit up super well now, but she's started to turn and twist to get things she wants. She even can get herself over my legs when I am sitting next to her.
5. Loud noises scare the crap out of her. Even if it's quiet and then somebody or a group of people start laughing. She loses her mind and freaks out. She gets scared easily.
6. Her sleeping still sucks... but we're working on it.
7. She refuses to drink from a bottle, even with pumped milk. This is new territory for me, the other two had no issues at all.
8. Jason refuses to put her in 18m pajamas... so this giant baby is is 24m pajamas! haha She is nearing the end of 12m pants and I brought out the 18m ones, but she's still fitting alright in 12m tops. And because of her big belly, she's in size 4 diapers.
9. She is comforted not only by knowing Mommy is around, but when her sisters are around. We had a babysitter and when she was alone she cried and cried, but when Sara and Jordyn came downstairs she was happy and content! It's so sweet that she recognizes them and knows they're around.
10. She sits in the bathtub all by herself now. It won't be long before she's in there with the other girls!
A Note from Mamma:
Not much new to say other than what I already did! I seem to always catch her in a bad mood when I take her monthly pictures... ha She really is a decently happy baby. Lately she's been a little more moody, but I'm going to say it's teething related. I'm excited to see what new things this next month will bring!
Not much new to say other than what I already did! I seem to always catch her in a bad mood when I take her monthly pictures... ha She really is a decently happy baby. Lately she's been a little more moody, but I'm going to say it's teething related. I'm excited to see what new things this next month will bring!
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Weight: 19ish pounds via Mommy's measurements
Length: 27.5 inches via Mommy's measurements
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. Now we've got the top two teeth coming in! How is this possible already?!?! She's a drooling queen!
2. She sleeps on her belly ALL. THE. TIME!
3. Finally, she has figured out how to roll back over from belly to back. She's not always successful, but it does happen!
4. This month she started eating solid foods. Green beans are her favorite (JUST like both her sisters! haha) and she hasn't taken to the fruits as much as she has the vegetables.
5. She has the best laugh. She loves laughing at silly noises and loves when Sara makes funny faces at her.
6. She has a ticklish spot on her hip. So every time I change her diaper I tickle her and she does her snorting laugh. It's so cute.
7. We left her, and the other two, with a babysitter for the very first time. She was very much well behaved. haha I was very impressed and super happy.
8. She sits up really well! She's still a little wobbly, so I usually always have pillows or the Bumpo around her.
9. One thing that she does that is frustrating... she apparently loves to poop at NIGHT! grrrrr. Not all the time... but a couple nights a week. So then I have to get her up and changed and put her back to bed... then she stays up talking to herself for too long before going getting herself back to sleep.
10. She loves the stroller! She's been sitting in it without the car seat for a while and is totally content in there.
2. She sleeps on her belly ALL. THE. TIME!
3. Finally, she has figured out how to roll back over from belly to back. She's not always successful, but it does happen!
4. This month she started eating solid foods. Green beans are her favorite (JUST like both her sisters! haha) and she hasn't taken to the fruits as much as she has the vegetables.
5. She has the best laugh. She loves laughing at silly noises and loves when Sara makes funny faces at her.
6. She has a ticklish spot on her hip. So every time I change her diaper I tickle her and she does her snorting laugh. It's so cute.
7. We left her, and the other two, with a babysitter for the very first time. She was very much well behaved. haha I was very impressed and super happy.
8. She sits up really well! She's still a little wobbly, so I usually always have pillows or the Bumpo around her.
9. One thing that she does that is frustrating... she apparently loves to poop at NIGHT! grrrrr. Not all the time... but a couple nights a week. So then I have to get her up and changed and put her back to bed... then she stays up talking to herself for too long before going getting herself back to sleep.
10. She loves the stroller! She's been sitting in it without the car seat for a while and is totally content in there.
A Note from Mamma:
Sometimes, I think Hailey is going to be my natural born High Jumper like I was! haha She arches her back all the time, Even when she's just laying on the ground, she'll lift up with her feet. So... I didn't get a great 5 month picture of her because she kept doing it while sitting in the chair. But I ain't got time to sit there and retake them. haha She's been putting us through the ringer with this sleeping situation. I know it'll get there eventually, but it's just so exhausting. But she's a fun baby and I love my Hailey cuddles while I'm still getting them and I LOVE making her laugh. That's the best. I still can't get over how giant of a baby she is. Makes me laugh.
Sometimes, I think Hailey is going to be my natural born High Jumper like I was! haha She arches her back all the time, Even when she's just laying on the ground, she'll lift up with her feet. So... I didn't get a great 5 month picture of her because she kept doing it while sitting in the chair. But I ain't got time to sit there and retake them. haha She's been putting us through the ringer with this sleeping situation. I know it'll get there eventually, but it's just so exhausting. But she's a fun baby and I love my Hailey cuddles while I'm still getting them and I LOVE making her laugh. That's the best. I still can't get over how giant of a baby she is. Makes me laugh.
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September 18 - Four Month
Weight: 17.8 pounds via Mommy's measurements
Length: 26 inches via Mommy's measurements
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. When I sing to her, she giggles and smiles and it makes her so so happy!
2. She's getting very good at grabbing things. My hair, toys, my food, my plate, lots of fun stuff!
3. The day after she turned 3 months, I found her two bottom teeth popping out already! I couldn't believe it. Now she bites everything... and when I say everything, I mean everything. :(
4. She rolls over. Back to front.
5. Because she's started rolling, we had to get her out of her swaddle! Which actually was easier that with the other two! Crazy.
6. Sleeping. She goes back and forth. Sometimes she gets up 4 or 5 times, and other nights only twice. We'll be starting sleep training after her 4m check up. Mommy HAS to get some sleep for greater good of our family.
7. I have her wearing 6-9 month tops and 12m bottoms. hahahaha It just cracks me up.
8. While she's awake, she's able to have more moments by herself, and for longer stretches of times. I can leave her on her play mat and she's pretty happy.
9. She loves people. It makes me so happy. I have no problem handing her off to other people because I know she'll be happy and I don't HAVE to stand right next to her. It's fabulous.
10. When she's nursing, only on the left side... she swings her arm around in circles. It's hilarious! Except when I'm tired, then I have to hold her arm down. ha
2. She's getting very good at grabbing things. My hair, toys, my food, my plate, lots of fun stuff!
3. The day after she turned 3 months, I found her two bottom teeth popping out already! I couldn't believe it. Now she bites everything... and when I say everything, I mean everything. :(
4. She rolls over. Back to front.
5. Because she's started rolling, we had to get her out of her swaddle! Which actually was easier that with the other two! Crazy.
6. Sleeping. She goes back and forth. Sometimes she gets up 4 or 5 times, and other nights only twice. We'll be starting sleep training after her 4m check up. Mommy HAS to get some sleep for greater good of our family.
7. I have her wearing 6-9 month tops and 12m bottoms. hahahaha It just cracks me up.
8. While she's awake, she's able to have more moments by herself, and for longer stretches of times. I can leave her on her play mat and she's pretty happy.
9. She loves people. It makes me so happy. I have no problem handing her off to other people because I know she'll be happy and I don't HAVE to stand right next to her. It's fabulous.
10. When she's nursing, only on the left side... she swings her arm around in circles. It's hilarious! Except when I'm tired, then I have to hold her arm down. ha
A Note from Mamma:
When I hold this baby girl I wonder how she's ONLY four months old. Then I pick up Jordyn... and it feels like I'm holding Hailey! hahahaha She's going to pass her twig of a sister any day now. We're getting into more of a groove with the three kidos! The hardest part has been trying to do learning and activity time with the baby around. When she naps, I should be doing that time with the older girls, but there just seems to always be something that needs to be done or that they want to play. But we'll get there. That seems to be my mindset lately... "we'll get there". But then something changes and it's back to square one! She's really starting to show more of her personality and have fun with things! So, I remember how I like this stage and I try to hold on to those moments! :)
When I hold this baby girl I wonder how she's ONLY four months old. Then I pick up Jordyn... and it feels like I'm holding Hailey! hahahaha She's going to pass her twig of a sister any day now. We're getting into more of a groove with the three kidos! The hardest part has been trying to do learning and activity time with the baby around. When she naps, I should be doing that time with the older girls, but there just seems to always be something that needs to be done or that they want to play. But we'll get there. That seems to be my mindset lately... "we'll get there". But then something changes and it's back to square one! She's really starting to show more of her personality and have fun with things! So, I remember how I like this stage and I try to hold on to those moments! :)
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Weight: 15 pounds via Mommy's measurements
Length: 25 inches via Mommy's measurements
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. She had a week of sleeping through the night, from like 6:45pm-7:00am!!! It was awesome... and then she stopped and still wakes up too many times.
2. She has mastered getting out of her swaddle, which is annoying and makes her wake up more. I'm about ready to just make her not need it anymore. haha
3. She just started wearing size 3 diapers and she's in size 6 clothes. It's just crazy talk.
4. The baby talk has begun this month! And the giggles! I love it so much! It's my favorite milestone by far. She's so cute.
5. She's getting into her toys. Her favorite is her little fabric book that makes a rustling noise.
6. She likes to look out the window while we drive when she's awake.
7. This month, she has started sitting up in her bumpo and her chair at the table.
8. White noise is our go to for relief! There's one certain one that we have to have playing for her and normally she just switches off her crying! If not... then she's just really tired.
9. I think she loves being around crowds. We were nervous about taking her to our community group because we knew we'd be there until 7:30 or 8. She usually goes to bed at 6:30. But she was so happy just watching and listening to people!
10. This girl loves her sisters. Sara makes faces at here and Hailey just loves it and smiles at her. Jordyn's even getting in on the action and likes to make faces at her too!
2. She has mastered getting out of her swaddle, which is annoying and makes her wake up more. I'm about ready to just make her not need it anymore. haha
3. She just started wearing size 3 diapers and she's in size 6 clothes. It's just crazy talk.
4. The baby talk has begun this month! And the giggles! I love it so much! It's my favorite milestone by far. She's so cute.
5. She's getting into her toys. Her favorite is her little fabric book that makes a rustling noise.
6. She likes to look out the window while we drive when she's awake.
7. This month, she has started sitting up in her bumpo and her chair at the table.
8. White noise is our go to for relief! There's one certain one that we have to have playing for her and normally she just switches off her crying! If not... then she's just really tired.
9. I think she loves being around crowds. We were nervous about taking her to our community group because we knew we'd be there until 7:30 or 8. She usually goes to bed at 6:30. But she was so happy just watching and listening to people!
10. This girl loves her sisters. Sara makes faces at here and Hailey just loves it and smiles at her. Jordyn's even getting in on the action and likes to make faces at her too!
A Note from Mamma:
Three months at last! We definitely still have our moments, but overall she is so much more of a happy baby! Hooray! One thing I've realized with this kid is that I am ready to do things NOW, like swaddling... I will just make her ready to be done! And sleeping through the night, I really don't mind making her cry it out a little more! Obviously I still really love her, but I guess I just know that this will end and maybe I just wanted it to end a little faster. I just love cuddling with my little baby, I look at her at times and just think "I made this little thing!" Isn't that just crazy!?!
Three months at last! We definitely still have our moments, but overall she is so much more of a happy baby! Hooray! One thing I've realized with this kid is that I am ready to do things NOW, like swaddling... I will just make her ready to be done! And sleeping through the night, I really don't mind making her cry it out a little more! Obviously I still really love her, but I guess I just know that this will end and maybe I just wanted it to end a little faster. I just love cuddling with my little baby, I look at her at times and just think "I made this little thing!" Isn't that just crazy!?!
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Weight: 14 pounds!
Length: 23 inches
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. She loves to chew on her hands! She'll finally take the pacifier too, but she's quite happy chomping away on those hands too.
2. She is already in size 2 diapers and 3-6 months clothes. She's the same size Jordyn was at FOUR months. hahaha
3. I have found that she really loves to watch her "stars." We have Ninja Turtle Glow Lites that flash starts onto the ceiling and that's one thing that calms her down when she's not happy.
4. Finally, she's starting to realize that bath time is nice. Most of this month she'd just scream the entire time, but over the past week she's been happy. And the older girls like to stand on their stools and pretend to give her a bath too.
5. This girl slobbers everywhere! She blows bubbles and just drools all over the place!
6. Recently, she's beginning to be able to sit and play or just be by herself. She lays on her play-mat and hits the toys around and will just be happy for a good chunk of time instead of just crying all the time.
7. She loves the baby carrier and will fall asleep in it the majority of the time. So I wear her to church and she sleeps the whole time (mostly....).
8. I know I said she started smiling, but this month the smiles are getting bigger and SO happy. She hasn't quite gotten the laugh down yet, but you can see that she really wants to.
9. I've noticed that she has just started to grab at things! A lot of the times it's my hair! poo.... but her toys or things that are hanging in front of her.
10. She's pretty predictable with her sleep, minus the hospitalization throwing a wrench into our schedule. She'll still wake up about 3 times. 11-12, 3-3:30, and somewhere around 5:30-6. We're getting there.
2. She is already in size 2 diapers and 3-6 months clothes. She's the same size Jordyn was at FOUR months. hahaha
3. I have found that she really loves to watch her "stars." We have Ninja Turtle Glow Lites that flash starts onto the ceiling and that's one thing that calms her down when she's not happy.
4. Finally, she's starting to realize that bath time is nice. Most of this month she'd just scream the entire time, but over the past week she's been happy. And the older girls like to stand on their stools and pretend to give her a bath too.
5. This girl slobbers everywhere! She blows bubbles and just drools all over the place!
6. Recently, she's beginning to be able to sit and play or just be by herself. She lays on her play-mat and hits the toys around and will just be happy for a good chunk of time instead of just crying all the time.
7. She loves the baby carrier and will fall asleep in it the majority of the time. So I wear her to church and she sleeps the whole time (mostly....).
8. I know I said she started smiling, but this month the smiles are getting bigger and SO happy. She hasn't quite gotten the laugh down yet, but you can see that she really wants to.
9. I've noticed that she has just started to grab at things! A lot of the times it's my hair! poo.... but her toys or things that are hanging in front of her.
10. She's pretty predictable with her sleep, minus the hospitalization throwing a wrench into our schedule. She'll still wake up about 3 times. 11-12, 3-3:30, and somewhere around 5:30-6. We're getting there.
A Note from Mamma:
It's nice that we've started to see the turn in her mood from newborn to a baby who will sit and be happy! I feel like I really have been savoring these days lately because I seriously cannot believe it's been two months already. She got to have some good snuggles and quality time with Nina and Papa (my parents who came to visit). I think I'm really settling into my roll as a mother of three this month. There are definitely things that I still won't attempt by myself with all three of them, but we're getting there. I can't wait to be a smarter person again. I feel so sleep deprived and scatter brained that I cannot have a really conversation with anyone. So I apologize to people I've talked to and have sounded like a dumb dumb. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of her personality come out and playing with her much more!
It's nice that we've started to see the turn in her mood from newborn to a baby who will sit and be happy! I feel like I really have been savoring these days lately because I seriously cannot believe it's been two months already. She got to have some good snuggles and quality time with Nina and Papa (my parents who came to visit). I think I'm really settling into my roll as a mother of three this month. There are definitely things that I still won't attempt by myself with all three of them, but we're getting there. I can't wait to be a smarter person again. I feel so sleep deprived and scatter brained that I cannot have a really conversation with anyone. So I apologize to people I've talked to and have sounded like a dumb dumb. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of her personality come out and playing with her much more!
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Weight: 10 pounds at her 2 week appointment (probably 12lbs now!)
Length: 21 1/2 inches at her 2 week appointment
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. She's a fussy baby. :( She likes to cry. I guess they all cried really... she's not as bad as Sara was but it's still pretty frustrating.
2. Her smiles have started already. It's SO sweet. And when she smiles, I've noticed a little dimple on her left cheek! So cute.
3. This girl is so strong. She's been picking up her head since the first week, but now she's just crazy. Sometimes she'll get a little too confident and her head will smash into mine.
4. She's HOT! Like I have to only have her in her diaper when I swaddle her at night and she still is sweating when I lift her up at night.
5. She stinks at sleeping. She wakes up at least every two hours to eat and usually has at least one time each night. Life is rough. Also, we already put her in her room super early. I just couldn't handle all the noises of her being in our room!
6. I like to call her a grumpy old man. She always looks grumpy and has no hair on top of her head and then has all her hair in the back. Silly girl.
7. She's been wearing size 1 diapers, and Jason forced me to buy size 2... but he's just crazy about his diaper sizes... haha
8. She's moved up to 3 month clothes. I think I started her in them about 2 weeks ago. People think she's like 2 months old already!
9. Pacifiers were not an option for the first, but for the past couple days she's finally getting into them which is very helpful. PLUS we got a fox and a moose Wubbanubs as gifts so I'm happy we'll get to use them.
10. Of all the girls, she cries the least in her carseat. She tends to sleep a lot of the time while we're in the car.
2. Her smiles have started already. It's SO sweet. And when she smiles, I've noticed a little dimple on her left cheek! So cute.
3. This girl is so strong. She's been picking up her head since the first week, but now she's just crazy. Sometimes she'll get a little too confident and her head will smash into mine.
4. She's HOT! Like I have to only have her in her diaper when I swaddle her at night and she still is sweating when I lift her up at night.
5. She stinks at sleeping. She wakes up at least every two hours to eat and usually has at least one time each night. Life is rough. Also, we already put her in her room super early. I just couldn't handle all the noises of her being in our room!
6. I like to call her a grumpy old man. She always looks grumpy and has no hair on top of her head and then has all her hair in the back. Silly girl.
7. She's been wearing size 1 diapers, and Jason forced me to buy size 2... but he's just crazy about his diaper sizes... haha
8. She's moved up to 3 month clothes. I think I started her in them about 2 weeks ago. People think she's like 2 months old already!
9. Pacifiers were not an option for the first, but for the past couple days she's finally getting into them which is very helpful. PLUS we got a fox and a moose Wubbanubs as gifts so I'm happy we'll get to use them.
10. Of all the girls, she cries the least in her carseat. She tends to sleep a lot of the time while we're in the car.
A Note from Mamma:
It's been quite a month. I'd be lying if I said it's been a pleasant one. I've been overly emotional, stressed out and exhausted. Jason has been working in a leadership class all month, so I've been on my own since week one all day. A hard part is just keeping the older girls entertained. If we just stay at home all day, there tend to be more fights between them, so we try to do things we did before Hailey came along. It's exhausting, but worth it in the long run. So far getting three kids in the car hasn't been the worst thing that has changed! So that's good. One of the biggest challenges is just being a wife. There are some days where I don't think I even get to talk to Jason about much at all because we're so wrapped up in what the girls are doing and getting everyone what they need. I know it's just a season in life, but it's been a strain in our relationship. :( It's been a hard month, but I find comfort in knowing that God is my refuge and strength and that he has build me as a Mama to raise these girls and will give me the wisdom and energy to survive!
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Weight: 8 pounds 7 ounces
Length: 21 1/2 inches
Ten Things About Hailey:
1. The first thing I noticed about her was that she had her Momma's nose!
2. She sneezes ALL the time.
3. It appears that she feeds like a champ. She's cranking out those poopy diapers left and right.
4. She does not like having her temperature taking under her arm pits.
5. When her sisters are around, she can't take her eyes off of them.
6. Her hair is a golden brown color. When she first came out it was very wavy, but when she got cleaned up in her first bath, it smoothed out a bit.
7. So far, she doesn't cry as much as her sisters, but she makes some really cute baby noises.
8. She loves to smack her lips and make kissing noises.
9. Thankfully, we didn't have to stay long in the hospital because she seems to be a pretty healthy little baby.
10. She has A+ blood, and with my RH Negative condition, she's the only baby that was somewhat affected by that and had to have a couple extra tests done, but she's totally fine.
A Note from Mamma:
I'm SO happy to have her here. It's just so crazy to me how even on your third kid you can just feel so much love for another human being. She's just so precious. I'm so happy that the labor and delivery when smoothly and pretty quick. Now, we're just trying to get use to our new normal.
Oh my goodnesses! She is adorably squeezable-y cute!! Hugs and kisses to all of you!
ReplyDeleteLove, Auntie Jo
Sigh... it has been an awesome first year of fun. Thank YOU for sharing the journey with all of us.
Auntie Jo