Three girls! People have so many opinions and assumptions about this and so I figured I'd share what we ACTUALLY feel about this..
Jason and I always talked about having 3 kids. And guess what! We're on our way to having three kids! We always joked about how we'd end up having three girls, and quite honestly we're perfectly fine with that! We just feel so blessed to be able to complete our family with one more little one. So to answer one question I get QUITE frequently... No, we were not "trying" for a boy this time around, we were trying for a third child and can't wait to meet this little girl! And to answer the next question I get all the time... No, we will not be "trying" for another child just because we were "hoping" for a boy. I think 3 is more than enough for us. haha, Unless God sees otherwise and wants to give us another.
16 weeks |
16 weeks |
20 weeks |
Something else that gets me is the fact that some get the impression that we're disappointing by the news of having another girl. There was no disappointment in the ultrasound room when we found out! Only laughter, smiles, and hugs. I'm sure deep down Jason would have been excited to have a little boy, but saying he's disappointed about having a girl instead just kinda ruins the excitement of this child. It's not like we're thinking, "Oh... a girl... well, I guess we'll just have to deal with it and try to love it anyway." Jason is a wonderful Daddy. And he'll have so much to teach all his girls as they grow up.

So that's my rant on our girls. haha I'm actually really happy I was able to prove almost everyone wrong by creating another girl rather than a boy I "needed to have." If you told me I needed a boy, I still love you... ;) But I didn't "need" a boy, I just needed another little baby to love and cuddle with. :) As for the little girl's name... we new before we found out that the middle name would be James, boy or girl. We have a first name picked out, but I think we're still chewing on it before we tell the world! So stay tuned.

In other news, it's Christmas Eve! And we're getting closer and closer to our move date to Alaska! This with the military make it a little harder for me to plan way ahead... there are just so many little things that have to line up first before we can get exact plans nailed down. As of right now, we'll be headed out March 1. We're still debating on living on or off base, I think we'll decided once we get up there. We just sold our beloved "Chelsea" car because she just won't cut it in Alaska! So we have a good chunk ready to buy a mini-van when we get there! We'll be flying up there, and having our "Pipper" Pilot shipped. I think that covers most of the questions I usually get regarding our move. We're still pretty excited, but I think it's just hit me how hard it's going to be for us being up there. It'll be so much harder to get home for things with three small kids. But we'll find the positives and adventures in all this.

That's just a little quick update and rant on things lately! ha More to come later, hopefully it won't be a looooooong time before I hit the keys again. Don't forget to check up on our weekly Bumpdates for Baby #3! And I hope you all have a fabulous and happy happy Christmas!