This will probably mostly be about me and my thoughts for tonight. Things have been dying down a bit for the short time being. My last day of school was July 8th. We had a good last month of school. It was awesome because the World Cup was going on, so my class did a big World Cup project. This is our bulletin board with the bracket and some activities we did. I gave each student a different team that the researched stats on and they also researched facts about their country. My favorite part was listening to them cheer for the team they were given instead of just Mexico. They all still thought Mexico was their favorite team, but they would get so happy when they're country won their game too. It was a really good experience for them.

The next day I left for the summer camp I go to every year. This was my 6th year as a counselor, 10th year all together. I guess for the past couple years it's been just a go through the motions kind of thing, but this year really hit home for me. I began to really see my sin and how it has been eating away at me and affecting everyone around me. On the flip side, I began to really understand a little more about God, his grace, and my relationship with him. Most importantly, I really felt the importance of prayer and how powerful it is. It's really hard for me coming back from camp and trying to talk about it, so I think I'll just stop with that. I think it's just an overload of emotions and information that it's hard to express to people who weren't there. All I know, is that God really pointed some things out to me that week and I've seen the hope for change in my life and I am really positive and hopeful that it will stick around. And I had a really AMAZING group of girls this year, so God was very good in bringing that for us group of girls. :)

From there I went back to my teaching job for this tutoring program I had signed up to do. Luckily it's only from 8 to 12 and I have 9 of my boys. We have a lot of fun together, the curriculum is teaching them about Greece and all that comes with that. They get really in to it. It's so fantastic only working with NINE kids! We can do SO much!
I was able to babysit little Evelyn the other day. She's just so darn cute I had to post a picture of her! This one is a new personal favorite with Dobby sitting as he does in the background. hehe She's just a little angel!

Our little piggies are doing well! Same old same old with them. Eat... poop... sleep... run around... poop some more, and then eat again! We love our little girls!

In other news, mostly with Jason and I, we did children's church at church on Sunday this month. We only had one little girl, and luckily she liked playing with Legos! Jason and I had way too much fun with them as well... we ended up building a castle. I was pretty impressed with our skills.

Then we took the Youth Group to a 51s base ball game right before the 4th of July. It was actually a pretty good game this go around! I bought a new telephoto lenses so it was really fun to try it out! Here's one of the better ones that I was able to capture.

We're waiting for that call to come to tell us we're moving houses here on base. We're outgrowing our house! Our extra room has turned into a storage closet. I love our house, probably because it's our first one together, but we're both really to move. They said it'd be August... but still no call, sooooo I guess we'll see. Jason has been doing his Honor Guard the past couple weeks, tomorrow is his last day and he's very happy to get back to his engineering job.
Keep us in your prayers as we continue our first year of marriage. It can be very tough at times, but it can also be so fun and amazing all the rest of the times. I guess just prayers for us to be able to communicate to each other better would be what I'm asking for. We hope all is well with everyone out there!!!
Your filler was a nice book! I enjoyed reading and catching up with you! Miss you!