The week after Spring break seemed to be a little bit harder to come back to then when I came back from maternity leave! It was also hard because no matter how hard we tried to keep Sara on California time... it just didn't work. And with her getting back into Daycare, we've all just been a bit of a mess this week. Even though it was SO much fun spending time in Ohio, it was also a little exhausting. So this weekend, we have just been doing pretty much nothing but resting and cleaning the house. She did choose to roll over for the first time while we were in Ohio, so that was fun to share with the family!

Sara did pretty decent traveling all around. It kinda sucked because in order to use our free Southwest tickets, we had to drive all the way to LA. Our plane left at 1:00 pm, so we had decided to leave around 6:30 am just in case. So not only did Sara have to put up with a long car ride, but she had two plane rides to get through too. The first leg to Atlanta wasn't bad. She slept a lot and loved looking out the window. But when we landed, we thought we only had time to get from one plane to the next. Unfortunately, we ended up sitting on the plane for an HOUR!!!! It was very frustrating. It was a very long day.... poor baby. The return flights were a little better. She freaked out a few times because I think she was just overly tired, but people loved to look at her and tell her how cute she was. hehe
Some things we learned about flying with a baby (for those of you who are interested).
1. Obvious one... keep the baby sucking on something. One decent, Sara was very unhappy and as soon as we landed, she was fine. But it helps their ears.
2. We really loved having our baby carrier. I got to "wear" Sara and when we went through the security it was SO easy. We were watching a family in front of us who had so much stuff with them! And we were happy to just have been carrying two bags and the baby girl.
3. If possible, find someone where you're going who has a car seat! If we had to deal with all that, and a stroller... it would have sucked. Especially with a layover as short as ours.
4. Use leg warmers! We put Sara in a long sleeve onesie and leg warmers! It made changing her diaper quick and easy.
5. If it's their first flight, ask for their "First Wings". The whole airplane crew signed a little certificate for her and she got little SouthWest Airline wings. It's pretty cool.
6. When people give you dirty looks... give them dirty looks back. Grrrr It's like they think I'm purposely making her cry to tick them off. But mostly, I was just more uneasy about not being able to make Sara comfy.
7. Ask if the flight is full. We lucked out on one flight and left our bag on the middle seat so no one would sit there. So Sara got to sprawl out for that flight.
8. Be patient. Flying sucks! And things happen. So just try to go with it and just be as calm as you can! I found that when I started to get tense, it only made things worse.

Ohio family was so much fun! She got to meet her cousins for the first time, who just loved on her so much! And we surprised Aunt Jama at school, and she loved laughing at her Uncle Kar. She did SO well with all the new faces we came across. She would smile and talk and just be happy with anyone who held her. But, by the end of the trip, I think she had had enough. Rightly so. We put her through A LOT! She was such a trooper though. I'm so proud of her. We took Sara to her first baseball game! Honestly, I don't even know what happened during that game! Ha I was either nursing, changing Sara, or hanging out with the nieces! But the atmosphere was nice to be around in. Then we also were able to spend Easter with the Ohio family. Sara wasn't much into decorating eggs, nor was she into sitting in the Easter basket. hehe This girl also really loves her books... and eating her toes.

It's always so hard to leave family though. We think of all the people who she gets to play with her here in California and it's just sad that our families aren't around. Obviously we LOVE the people we do get to spend time with, but there's only so much we can share through blogs, pictures, and videos. That's just the hardest part of this whole thing. So we always have to remember that God has us here for His purpose and to do His work here in Cali.

We're looking forward to celebrating Mommy's birthday next week, Mother's Day a little time after, then Daddy's birthday after that! Sara has been sick with a stuffy nose the past couple days, so we've been trying to help her feel better with that. Poor little girl! Last story... at daycare the other day, her teacher was telling me about one of the boys in her class and how he kept trying to hold Sara's hand. hehe I guess Sara wanted nothing to do with him and kept throwing her hand in the air and tried to get away from him. ha Good girl! Enjoy all the latest pictures!