long with planning for the wedding, we have encountered many changes in our lives recently. This year is actually turning out to be much more life changing than either of us could imagine. Here's the scoop.

Jason has been in the Air Force for a little over a year now. Never did he imagine he'd be in Vegas of all places, but he's ok with the idea... for obvious reasons. Recently, he decided that being an officer in the Air Force might be a path he'd like to go down. Jason has been interested in having more of a leadership role during his service. He's studying like crazy for the Officer Training Test that he's taking this upcoming Friday morning to see if this is a door that will open up for him. If it does, that means there will be even MORE changes in the future, but if it does not, he’s quite

content with where he is right now anyway. Keep him in your prayers as he continues to prepare for his test on Friday morning.
Melissa started off the year teaching 4th grade at Mt. View Elementary with 23 students. Things were starting off great, and then because of the "low number" of students in the school, three teachers had to surplus and move schools, she was one of those three. Luckily, there was another 4th grade opening about a half a mile up from this school a

t Cortez Elementary, only it's an all boys class with 32 students! We have spend the last week packing and unpacking and getting ready... once again and sadly said goodbye to Mt. View and hello to Cortez. Tomorrow she's starting with the new pack of boys, a new set of teachers, and a whole new classroom. Say a prayer for Melissa too... that stress won't get in the way of doing what she loves.

Things are stressful at times with planning this wedding, and quite frankly is a little more distracting than expected for us. Thankfully, we've settled on a place, which is a HUGE weight off our shoulders. Next... we'll be tackling the next big things: The guest list and invitations! But really, if you're reading this, stop and say a little prayer for us. We don't want this w

edding to absorb us and cause us to loose sight on what this whole thing is about in the first place! To end... here's a few engagement pictures brought to you by Tobi Anderson and David Vander Meer. :) Enjoy!
Cute pictures!