There once lived a boy named Jason who moved to Las Vegas to be stationed at Nellis Air Force base in January of 2009. He soon after started attending Spring Meadows where he saw a simple young...beeeeautiful girl named Melissa. Thinking he had nothing to loose he chased after this young maiden only to be majorly denied. It took the girl some time and some messing up to do before she could see this boy God put right in front of her eyes. She soon realized how stupid she was being and chased him back. Surprised...and confused that the girl stopped ignoring him... Jason liked this girl very much and asked her out on Cinco de Mayo. 4 short months later, the two became engaged and everyone was happy. Right away they set the date to be December 19... and the naive couple is still in pursuit of the actual place this wondrous wedding will take place.
But wait.. the story is not over yet. Stay tune for more information still to come!

the date is December 19?! holy cow! that is so soon and SO exciting! :)