We've recently had to say goodbye to some friends of ours that we've met here at Vandenberg. Amy and Hayden were really the first people we met here. It was really just such a blessing for both of us couples to meet each other. Without sounding too sappy... they made it bearable to be here; I think moving here would have just royally sucked had we not found them. Hayden came here for missile training and now they're off to start their new journey in North Dakota.
For me, having Amy here was perfect timing. Through everything that was going on in my life, it was amazing to have another girl that I connected with so quickly; like my friends at home. So, when I was really missing home; it was super great to have her around.
Jason also finished up leading a bible study a couple weeks ago. When we had first started it, we were hoping that it would be a pretty big group. It ended up being just Jason and I, Amy and Hayden, and the Chaplin Matt and his wife Kelly. We went through the Miracles of Christ, which was a great study because it made us really stop and think about the little things of Christ's miracles. In the end, our small group became really close. :) Even though Amy and Hayden are moving, we're lucky enough to keep Matt and Kelly. We all had so much fun together and Tuesday night bible studies were really something to look forward to! I'm going to miss our whole group being together.

All in all, I've learned a very important lesson this past year. The Air Force gives you a great opportunity to meet new people and create life long friendships. But tonight, as we said goodbye to our friends, it also made me a little bitter that the Air Force also breaks us up just as fast. Despite the goodbyes, having those friends around, even for a short period of time, is the greatest. I don't know what we would have done here without them to help us out. I can only hope that we can be that person to someone else who is coming through Vandenberg.
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