We started part of the wedding favors today. Complete with our favorite candies. :) This is just a preview, but there are more delicious favors to come!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Favors and Dressings
This was a weekend full of wedding tasks. Everything from decorations, to extra invites, to clothing issues, ribbons, food, music and gifts! We've been incredibly busy, but tonight we have found ourselves cuddled on the sofa watching Star Trek just to relax!
We started part of the wedding favors today. Complete with our favorite candies. :) This is just a preview, but there are more delicious favors to come!
THEN! I succeeded with creating homemade Caesar salad dressing! I never thought of what's actually IN the dressing, it's kinda disgusting to think of! Luckily, it ended up being quite tasty. :) I'm very proud of myself for creating such a thing!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Jason's working 12 hour shifts this week. Mitchi and Kevin are preparing for the baby. Baby Eveline Rose is doing well, Mitchi's at 29 weeks, but the babies heart beat is a little faster than the doctor's want it to be. Thanks for all the prayers thus far! We love and appreciate you all!
We started part of the wedding favors today. Complete with our favorite candies. :) This is just a preview, but there are more delicious favors to come!
Friday, November 27, 2009
And so it continues...

Since I have time off, LOTS of wedding planning will be getting done in the upcoming weeks! Tomorrow it's ring shopping and flower decisions! :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Let the final countdown being! One month?

This past weekend was surprisingly VERY eventful. Jason returned from Indiana, we hadn't seen each other for 10 days, but his trip was very productive. He even got a very nice compliment from one of his higher up bosses! I am very proud of him! He does his job quite well! He came home Saturday, the night where Mitchi, my brother Kevin's wife, went into the hospital. Quick recap, she has a miraculous pregnancy, and her water broke at 27 weeks. So we were in the hospital this weekend watching out for her. (She and baby Eveline are doing quite well, she's just on bed rest til the baby comes) Sunday we went to the air show. Jason educated
Last night, we drove downtown to the Marriage Licensing place to apply for our marriage license of course! After driving around downtown and being somewhat lost... we finall

The reason for the month early license was because... wait for it, wait for it, we applied for Base Housing today! horray!!!! We had two choices. The house that we went to is an older house on base, that will be demolished in Aug or Sept. of 2010. So we'll move into it for the first months of our marriage and then they'll move us into the NEW base housing which is REALLY nice! We're both so excited! Although, now that I think

That's pretty much it for now! More to come in the upcoming MONTH! Can you believe it's one month? Bizzare. The big details are out of the way! Now to start on the smaller details and initiating backup plans! Pray for us, and Kevin and Mitchi!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A project I've been working on during the wedding planning is a lovely wedding planning book! I've been putting pictures, ideas, lists, and other items that pertain to the wedding in this book. Tobi helped me to the cover. One part that I JUST started is for the RSV
When Jason comes home we're headed downtown to get our marriage license. Then we get to apply for a house on the Nellis Air Force base! It's really convenient for us both since, well, he works there and my school is about 3 miles away! So yay! That's all the update I have for now. Kinda boring this time, but whatever! :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
6 Months!
Yes! It is true! Today marks the 6 month of our first date! I bet you didn't know our first date was on Cinco de Mayo.. or what I like to call Cinco de Gato (It's Dobby's birthday too!) Jason left for Indiana for an Air Force drill and is going to be gone till the 15th! Lots more wedding planning will be done nonetheless! Here's some fun pictures we took last night while we were in a weird mood. hehe

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
Halloween, Jason and I picked out a huge pumpkin from the lovely pumpkin patch by my house. It only cost $10!!! This is why Jason and I are awesome, becuase we have so much fun together. As dorky as that sounds... but really, it's true. We headed over to Kevin and Mitchi's to share in our pumpkin carving extravaganza. Amazed at how huge the pumpkin was, Kevin offered to help with no questions ask. So here's what we ended up with!

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