The most exciting thing about having a baby is the game of what is she going to look like. I
have a fear of carrying a child for 9 months, going through the whole
labor thing and then she looks like neither one of us. At least I want some
sort of proof that all my hard work paid off by someone saying "she
looks so much like her daddy" or "she looks so much like her mommy". I
thought it would be fun to write a post about what Jason and I think
she's going to look like and then come back and see how we were to the
actual truth.
We both have blue eyes, so it'll be weird if she ends up with something else!
Hair Color: Blonde/White
I had very blonde hair growing up. Maybe it'll be a little darker when she's born though.
Skin Color: Fair and maybe blotchy
Just a guess really.
Bald or Full Head of Hair: Full Head of Hair
Maybe not long hair, but the ultrasound shows that she DOES have some hair!
Hair Type: Straight/Crazy
I have straight, weird hair and Jason has curly, thinker hair. So I think she'll just have crazy hair that sticks straight up everywhere.
Who Will She Look Like: Me
I'm only saying this because I secretly want a mini-me. Obviously she will probably look a little like both of us, but I have a feeling she might look a little bit more like me.
How much will she weigh: Somewhere in the 9 pounds
Jason was 9 lbs 3 oz and I was 9 lb 6 oz... Sara is basically already 2 pounds at only 25 1/2 weeks. So I have a feeling she'll be a big one. :/
How long will she be: 21 inches
Just a guess. I was a little more than 21 inches. Daddy and I are both tall, so I think she'll be pretty lengthy.
Arrival: On Time
I was on time, and Jason is pretty punctual, so I think our little Sara will be pretty close to her due date for November 11th. :) Although I secretly hope for November 12, so her birthday will be 11-12-13!
Bad Traits She'll Probably Get:
1. Big Nose: Daddy has a larger nose.
2. Bad Skin: Mommy has wretched horrible skin. She'll probably have something wrong with hers too!
3. Different sized thumbs: Poor Mommy has been teased her whole life because of her different sized thumbs; so who knows! Maybe I'll have a little mini me with misshaped thumbs too!
I am usually torn between these two colors as my favorite, and wouldn't it be cool for her to have one of each! Pretty! Realisticaly, I guess blue, Melissa and I both have a tint of blue.
Hair Color: Blonde
I had blonde hair and so did Melissa, plus it's very beautiful.
Skin Color: Mother of Pearl
Because we're both white.
Bald or Full Head of Hair: Full head of hair
At the 25 week ultrasound she had hair! 25 weeks!!
Hair Type: Thick and Wavy
If she is any thing like my Dad's side of the family-her hair will be thick, wavy or curly.
Who Will She Look Like: Melissa
If she stands a chance of ever getting married (I got real lucky with my silly face!)
How much will she weigh: 9 lbs 5 oz
I came into the world at 9 lbs 3 oz, and Melissa was 9 lbs 6 I simply found the mean and rounded up to the nearest tenth, dur dur dur.
How long will she be: 21 1/2"
We both arrived within 1/4" of each others length, so again I rounded up ;)
Arrival: 15 minutes early
As the military says...if you are not 15 minutes early then YOU ARE LATE!
Bad Traits She'll Probably Get:
1. My big nose: I have trouble drinking out of small diameter cups
2. Too analytical: sometimes I can not take a joke because I will over analyze
3. Moody: She is a GIRL people!
And now I leave you with a few pictures of us and what sweet little Sara might look like in a few months. And we cheated and have a 4D picture to compare too!
James Jason Lawyer
Born on May 27, 1983 at 7:30 AM (His due date)
Weighed 9 pounds 3 ounces
His length was 21 1/2 inches
Melissa Nicole Thomas
Born on April 29, 1986 at 7:19 AM (Her due date)
Weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces
Her length was 21 1/4 inches
Sara Nicole Lawyer
Born on ???
Weighed ???
Her length was ???
Mommy's Prediction
Eye Color: BlueWe both have blue eyes, so it'll be weird if she ends up with something else!
Hair Color: Blonde/White
I had very blonde hair growing up. Maybe it'll be a little darker when she's born though.
Skin Color: Fair and maybe blotchy
Just a guess really.
Bald or Full Head of Hair: Full Head of Hair
Maybe not long hair, but the ultrasound shows that she DOES have some hair!
Hair Type: Straight/Crazy
I have straight, weird hair and Jason has curly, thinker hair. So I think she'll just have crazy hair that sticks straight up everywhere.
Who Will She Look Like: Me
I'm only saying this because I secretly want a mini-me. Obviously she will probably look a little like both of us, but I have a feeling she might look a little bit more like me.
How much will she weigh: Somewhere in the 9 pounds
Jason was 9 lbs 3 oz and I was 9 lb 6 oz... Sara is basically already 2 pounds at only 25 1/2 weeks. So I have a feeling she'll be a big one. :/
How long will she be: 21 inches
Just a guess. I was a little more than 21 inches. Daddy and I are both tall, so I think she'll be pretty lengthy.
Arrival: On Time
I was on time, and Jason is pretty punctual, so I think our little Sara will be pretty close to her due date for November 11th. :) Although I secretly hope for November 12, so her birthday will be 11-12-13!
Bad Traits She'll Probably Get:
1. Big Nose: Daddy has a larger nose.
2. Bad Skin: Mommy has wretched horrible skin. She'll probably have something wrong with hers too!
3. Different sized thumbs: Poor Mommy has been teased her whole life because of her different sized thumbs; so who knows! Maybe I'll have a little mini me with misshaped thumbs too!
Daddy's Prediction
Eye Color: One Green/One BlueI am usually torn between these two colors as my favorite, and wouldn't it be cool for her to have one of each! Pretty! Realisticaly, I guess blue, Melissa and I both have a tint of blue.
Hair Color: Blonde
I had blonde hair and so did Melissa, plus it's very beautiful.
Skin Color: Mother of Pearl
Because we're both white.
Bald or Full Head of Hair: Full head of hair
At the 25 week ultrasound she had hair! 25 weeks!!
Hair Type: Thick and Wavy
If she is any thing like my Dad's side of the family-her hair will be thick, wavy or curly.
Who Will She Look Like: Melissa
If she stands a chance of ever getting married (I got real lucky with my silly face!)
How much will she weigh: 9 lbs 5 oz
I came into the world at 9 lbs 3 oz, and Melissa was 9 lbs 6 I simply found the mean and rounded up to the nearest tenth, dur dur dur.
How long will she be: 21 1/2"
We both arrived within 1/4" of each others length, so again I rounded up ;)
Arrival: 15 minutes early
As the military says...if you are not 15 minutes early then YOU ARE LATE!
Bad Traits She'll Probably Get:
1. My big nose: I have trouble drinking out of small diameter cups
2. Too analytical: sometimes I can not take a joke because I will over analyze
3. Moody: She is a GIRL people!
And now I leave you with a few pictures of us and what sweet little Sara might look like in a few months. And we cheated and have a 4D picture to compare too!
Born on May 27, 1983 at 7:30 AM (His due date)
Weighed 9 pounds 3 ounces
His length was 21 1/2 inches
Born on April 29, 1986 at 7:19 AM (Her due date)
Weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces
Her length was 21 1/4 inches
Born on ???
Weighed ???
Her length was ???
What fun, thanks for the giggles! Maybe she'll also get Auntie Jo's cute ears! Ha. Loved the three photos, very cool.
Auntie Jo